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Pioneer Memories
We arrived in the fall of 1970 from several junior high schools across the northern part of what was then called Dade County.
There we found new opportunities for learning about the world
we would inherit, new freedoms and new friends.
Here are some of those Pioneer memories.
(Click on an image for a better view)
Pioneer Blvd. Back in the Day
Pioneer Blvd. 2022
Welcome Letter from Principal Boggy
Our Wonderful and Unique 1973 Conestoga Cover
Aviation Students
Learning Jet Propulsion at the George T. Baker School of Aviation
Mrs. Dorothy DiBuono
Cosmetology students taught by Mrs.Dorothy DiBuono
Cosmetology Officers & Seniors
Cosmetology Students
Members of the NMSH Cosmetology Program
No Internet? Use the PA system
Since we weren't checking our cell phones all day, we depended on our classmates working the PA system.
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